ADOn Monday I lth March 2013 snow and high winds affected power lines across the Island and Alderney Electricity Ltd was faced with a number of challenges. Photographs are attached to illustrate the extent of the problems.
- High winds and ice caused problems in the Longy Common and Chateau L’Etoc area.
- Cables at the Arsenal were covered in ice which began to sag under the load.
- Overhead lines in the Petit Val and part ofWide Lane were damaged.
- In order to ensure the safety of our customers these areas (part of Wide Lane and Petit Val who had suffered a power failure) were made safe which unfortunately resulted in a loss of power to these areas
On Tuesday 12th March 2013 Alderney Electricity Ltd. laid a temporary emergency cable in the Longy Common area to replace the damaged lines.
The Petit Val lines were repaired and power was restored by late afternoon.
Chateau L’ Etoc lines had ice removed and power was restored also late Tuesday afternoon.
On Wednesday 13th March 2013 engineers were able to inspect the lines at the Arsenal early in the morning and power was restored by I Oam-
Cable joints were made On the Longy Common temporary emergency cable and power was restored to this area later in the afternoon.
During this time, snow chains were fitted to the fuel delivery truck to enable emergency deliveries. The adverse weather has affected the delivery timetable and normal service is expected to resume by Monday 18 March 2013.
The AEL office had been in contact with all residents throughout to make sure that everyone was as comfortable as possible and offered help if needed and/or wanted.
Alderney Electricity apologises for any inconvenience and thanks everyone for their patience in these extreme weather conditions.